Tuesday, October 2, 2012

External Review: Fairy Wand Massager

My Favorite Fairy Tale!

The Fairy is an incredible toy for the price -- between its simple functions and extreme level of power, this wand is perfect for someone who wants control over the vibrations in their toy without the hassle of too many extra options. Plus, the cord ensures that the Fairy will never give out mid-session, no matter how intense things get!

Read the full review here.

External Article: Furry: The Fuzzier Side of Kink

Define This - Furry: The Fuzzier Side of Kink

Maybe you've seen that creepy CSI episode about fursuiting...Maybe you've had a friend that seemed to like to make animal noises just a little too much--or maybe you've just seen it around the internet. The furry fandom is growing by the day, but no one ever seems able to clearly define it or give a straight answer to any question about it. It really makes you wonder...What exactly IS a furry?

Read the full article here.

External Article: The Separation of Church and State...When it suits us.

SexIs Subjective: The Separation of Church and State... When it suits us.

At 14 years old, I thought the government was never going to let me marry another woman...At 21, I'm fighting a battle to allow myself, my friends, and my family to marry who they want--a battle of human rights that shouldn't even be an issue.

Check out the full article here.